County at a Crossroads is the deliverable from a unique mobility study. While various public entities, often working with professional consultants, have studied our regional transportation needs a number of times over the past few decades, few of their recommendations have been well received by the public. In this case, Kendall County, the City of Boerne, and the City of Fair Oaks decided to take a different approach and explore the ideas of the local citizenry.
Click image to view final report.
Transportation Committee Interim Report - January 2021
In December 2020, Steering Committee members asked that the Study Committee review its work to see if it was in a position to recommend projects that the participating agencies might want to submit to the Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO)and/or by TxDOT for inclusion in the State Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). They also asked that those recommendations be presented to the participating agencies in time to facilitate their responses to AAMPO and/or TxDOT calls for projects, due April 1, 2021. The primary purpose of this Interim Report and Recommendations is to respond to that request.
The report is organized into three sections. The first section describes the principles and processes that the Study Committee agreed to employ in developing its recommendations. The second section provides a brief discussion about transportation funding, and the final section provides some interim recommendations for consideration by the County and the two cities sponsoring this endeavor.
The Interim Report will be presented to the Kendall County Commissioners Court on January 11, 2021 and Boerne City Council on January 12, 2021.